RX7 Brake Fluid Leak.

Tim brought by his son’s RX7 the other day to diagnose a soft pedal and empty brake fluid reservoir 🙂 It took some searching, but I finally found the leak at the ABS pump. The bad news is the ABS pump is about $1500. The good news is Tim had disconnected it awhile back, and I can convert this thing over to a full non ABS system fairly cheaply. We have the new lines on order, then we will rip …
Audi 1.8T Transmission Flush

Guess who stopped by tonight 🙂 Stephen rolled in with his Audi that is having some transmission hesitation. We decided it might not be a bad idea to get fresh fluid in and a new filter to see if that helps before going in deeper. Since I have the pumps and such to get the fluid in, it makes it easier to just do it here at the shop rather than on jack stands. Pan off and filter being removed. …
Audi Coupe GT Anyone?

Knocking this puppy out for our painter’s son. It needed a new hall sensor, o2 sensor and spark plugs as it was having a running issue when hot. Spark plugs should be in tomorrow, and we will send this puppy home. Takes you right back to the 80’s 🙂
2008 VW Jetta 2.0T Fan and Oil Burning

A good friend brought in her Jetta the other day so we could fix some issues she had been having. Over the last 30k miles or so, the car started using an excessive amount of oil. Many times this is due to a bad crankcase vent valve on the engine. She had taken the car to the local dealer under warranty to express her concerns and they brushed it off as nothing. Just keep adding oil they said. So while …
1965 Mustang Continued

Well we tried our best. We tried our best to make the Christmas deadline, but we fell a little short. At 7pm on Christmas eve, we were dealt the final blow in the coffin when we discovered a leaking power steering control valve. Try and get replacement parts at 7pm on Christmas Eve….LOL. The good thing though, we were able to get the car cleaned up and Mike was able to bring his wife by on Christmas day to present …
Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD Work

I tried to purge this one from my memory, but came across the pictures on the camera, so figured I post it up. I haven’t updated the blog much over the last couple of hell weeks as the moment I walked out the door at night, I didn’t want to think about it until the next morning….very unlike me. So here it is: Unfortunately due to the unforeseen setbacks with this project, I didn’t get many pictures taken of the …
Mazda 3…..is back ;)

Since seem to have been having a couple weeks of hell lately, I decided to shut things down early Friday afternoon and head for home to relax a little. Oh how things change 🙂 Got home and hung the microwave in the kitchen (we installed a new backsplash), sanded some drywall, mudded some drywall, then got a call about a CEL in the gray Mazda 3. No big deal, drop it off at the house. Pulled down the codes and …
Jaguar JX8 Upper Control Arm Bushings

Didn’t get a chance to snap many pictures of this job and we needed every extra hand possible. We had to replace the worn upper control arm bushings the other day in this jag. Normally you would remove the control arm from the car to replace the bushings, but the ball joint laughed at our removal tool as it shattered it in two, so we improvised and did it on the car. While we were in there, we replaced the …
Boxster Shifter Problem

Had this Boxster limped over to the house the other day for a shifting linkage issue. The shifter was floppy and hard to get in gear. Typically when the newer Porsches loose shifting, it is due to the cup linkage at the bottom of the shift lever. The symptoms of that though are usually a freely moving gear shift lever and you are either stuck in neutral or in the gear the bushing broke in. Once I got my hands …

Had a couple of Mazda 3’s in this week for daily driver service. The first one stopped for new brake pads all the way around, and this one for new rear wheel bearings/hubs. I had changed the pads on this 3 awhile back and noticed the bearings were very crunchy in the rear, so it was time to get them replaced. Since they are special order hubs, we had to leave them be at the brake change, and come back …