964/993 Distributor Belts

Picked this car up from a customer to inspect and get into top running shape. As soon as I loaded the car in 3rd gear, I could hear and feel the detonation happening in the engine, so I was pretty sure I knew what that was going to be. First thing to do when I got home was to check out the airbag light. Looks like a crash sensor was throwing an error, so I cleared the code and it …
Chump Car at Heartland Park, Topeka
Tomorrow I will be heading out to HPT for the Chump Car Race. We watched the 24 hour race at Newton, IA and it was a hoot, so this should be a blast as well. Hopefully the heat stays at bay for us 🙂 I will be helping in the Pits for “Car 54 Where are you” as they take the win 😉 Couple local teams and good friends will be racing tomorrow: Car 54 Where Are You: Porsche 944 …
Squeaks Defrost Only Problem

Of course this kind of stuff never happens when it is moderately cool out, but rather when the temps are constantly over 100 degrees. Squeaks, our 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ, decided to only blow air out the defrost vents earlier this week. Controls would not do anything. While the AC was still blowing, when it is 105 out, not having that airflow across your body makes it seem a lot hotter in the vehicle. There are a couple of …
996TT Done….well almost

Got the 996TT fired up on saturday afternoon, cams broken in, and fluids topped off and bled. I finished the suspension on Friday, so that is all done as well. And pulled out of the garage. For a purpose of course….. Time to peel off the beaten and marred clear bra. Clearbra peels very easily off plastic…..not so much off metal. The sun must cook the metal a little more and maybe affects the clear bra, but even with a …
More progress 996TT

Yesterday I dabbled in hooking up engine connections here and there and getting it ready to fire up. I left one of the turbo couplers on the old turbos which went back to the owner, so I am waiting to get that back today, then the motor can be fired up. After that was time to put the stock suspension back on the car. The KW’s come off…. 154lb anvils are good for a couple things. 1 is for metal …
Motor Stuffed……

After the new FPR showed up, I started shoving the motor back in the car. Last night about 11pm the car showed up on the flatbed, and we got it pushed onto the lift and ready to go for today. Since I need to install the stock exhaust back on, and the table is only so big, I pulled the rear bumper for better access. With a larger table, you can shove it all in complete with exhaust without pulling …
Adios Project 944T

Our long 86 turbo project left for home today. The car has been done for some time now, but I wanted to put a few miles on it before sending it on it’s way to make sure things were holding up. After getting back from RA on Wednesday, I was able to get some seat time with it and give it the check ride. There are still a bunch of little items that need to be addressed with the car, …
951 Radiator

Dave dropped off his 951S to have me go through the cooling system. The car was starting to get fairly hot in stop and go traffic in our lovely 100 degree heat, so it was time to do some preventative maintenance on the front end. We decided it was best to replace the 25 year old radiator and any associated hoses to get the car cooling as optimally as possible. The car was hitting the top white line of the …
944 Work Continues

With the holiday schedule messing up parts delivery, I finally got the parts in today for the 944T that we have been addressing a coolant leak on. Installed the new cooler auxillary fan switch (75c) And got the top coolant nipple replaced. After warming it up and a quick test drive, I think we have the coolant issue fixed. Last night after my stranded event, I pulled apart the devil car and went after the fuel pump. Sure enough, the …
944T Part 6:
Well everything was going good, got the car back together, idled numerous times to burp the coolant and burn off any excess old oil and such off the headers. A nice leisurely test drive this morning around the block….2 blocks from home, round the corner….blap, it dies. This stuff can never happen to me when Val is home so I could tow it home easily, lol. Looks like the fuel pump took a poop. After a couple of hours of …