Project GT3 Continued
Buttoned up the car last night and got it returned to Dan. We ran into a little snag though. When I plugged in the control panel to bench test the unit, I found out that the volume button did not work. There was sound out the speaker, and the unit operated correctly, I just could not change the volume or get into the preferences menu (hit vol + BRT buttons together) to turn on the shifters. Called Escort and they sent …
Site has been slow…..

Because I took my annual break to go hunting up in South Dakota. The freezer was getting a bit low and needed restocking! Normally I can get up for the week of Thanksgiving and the week of Christmas, but Val’s schedule this year hosed things up a bit, so I went a week early. Last Friday I loaded up the dog and headed north. My father and law and I hunted 7 days for deer and pheasant. Got in a …
Ahhhh lights

Finally got around to wiring in my rear floursecent lights. Before I had lights in the rear that would come on when you hit the surge protector switch with a long pole, lol. I borrowed a fish tape and luckily didn’t have any problems running the wire. I was a little concerned of what I might find when trying to go over the support beam of the garage, but all went well. I decided to go with T8 bulbs in …
Odds and Ends

Tinkering here and there. Stopped by and did a little more of a tune up on the 928 yesterday afternoon. Fixed a headlight pop up issue (corroded relay), changed the spark plugs, changed the oil, was going to change the fuel filter, only the fuel filter was the incorrect one….DOH. Still waiting on the new TPS harness, and when I do that I will put on new caps and rotors. Fuel filter and pump location. And the spark plugs. Then …
Winter Prep for Squeaks

After I finished up a Boxster on Saturday, I figured it was such a nice day that I would knock out some more maintenance on Squeaks to get it ready for the winter months. It was time for new spark plugs (every 30k in a jeep), brake flush, tire rotation, etc. I still need to flush the coolant badly, and get the front diff serviced (didn’t have enough fluid to do yesterday) which I should be able to do later …
1998 VW Jetta GLS Clutch Finished
Got the Jetta project buttoned up on Friday afternoon. Spent quite a bit of time replacing the oil seals on the transaxle as they had all pretty much become “one” with the transaxle, lol. Homemade special tool KEW1920.B to remove the axles. You have to compress the axle, remove the circlip, then pull the axle out, all with a tool Getting the clip out. Stub axle and spring out. Old Seal New Seal installed. And using the tool to reinstall …
1998 Jetta 2.0 GLS Clutch Change
Helping a good freind out with the clutch on his Jetta. This 1998 Jetta has over 200k miles on it and still running strong! The clutch pedal was starting to release quite high, and he wanted to get it done before winter set in. We probably could have bought a little time by adjusting the clutch arm, but would have eventually had to go in there to do the clutch. Well, it definitely is not without oil leaks….. So I …
2004 Cayenne 60k service

Knocked out a 60k service on a Cayenne today. Pretty straight forward: Oil change, serpentine belt, air filters, spark plugs, cabin filter, bleed brakes, etc. Also had to release a jammed storage tray and replace the rear cigarette lighter flip down lid that was broken. First, I had to make sure the lift could handle a Cayenne, so I did a weight test. If it can handle Tia, it can handle a Cayenne: Looks like my test was foolproof…. The …
Project GT3 Arrives :)
We headed up to Aristocrat with a good freind of mine to pick up his 2011 GT3 that just hit town. It has been a long wait for him after selling his 996TT earlier this year, but I’d say it was worth it. Beautiful black on black. We already have the GMG rollbar for the car along with Schroth harnesses. The escort 9500ci will be here soon, then we can start installing parts 🙂