I am a little late in getting this out, but if you follow the KCRPCA newsletter you should be well informed. Please note the 2 annual upcoming PCA events. Both are great events and a fun way to meet fellow Porsche enthusiasts! Shrimp Boil @ the Hess Residence: We are pleased to announce that Al and Karen Hess are once again opening their home at 4525 Iron Horse Drive, Leawood, KS 66224 to fellow Porsche Club Members for our annual …
Featherlite 24 Foot Trailer For Sale

SOLD! Listing for a customer. Please contact Karl at the shop or via email to Porschedoc at rennsportkc.com Price: $12k firm Location: South Kansas City Area It’s a 24′ trailer 102″ wide. Interior is approx. 25′ X 94″ and has maybe hauled only 7-8k miles. Features include: • Tandem axle – steel wheels with covers • Insulated walls • 4 interior lights • Roof vent • 4 heavy D rings for tie downs, 2 front & 2 rear • 3 …
Porsche 964 C2 For Sale 18k Miles. $37k
SOLD! Have a customer selling his 964 C2 as he does not drive it anymore. Build date is 09/92. Just over 18k miles. Yes, you read that right. White on Tan interior. Car still has that new car smell in the interior. Located in Kansas City Owner: Bill Hartong: 913.568.5296 Car is stored nearby our shop, so we can show the car pretty much any time. I just had the motor out for the customer to repair a leaking fuel …
With all of our great turn out over the last couple years at the Waid’s location, the owners have made so much money that they decided to close down, retire, and move to the Bahamas with their loot. Thus the location has changed for the future! New Breakfast location: Le Peep’s @ 79th and Quivera in Lenexa @ 7:30 am Saturdays. For those of you old timers, this is a location we used previously for many years. For those that …
Porsche 951 Aero Mirror Install
Had this 951 come in the other day for a nice cosmetic upgrade….aero mirrors. While it might seem simple to just swap the mirrors over, there is a little more to it. First thing to do is to remove the mirror glass. And the motor housing. This leaves us the electrical connector. It is too large to pass through the hole in the mirror stem, so it must be disassembled using a special tool. Many hacks will just pull the …
Had this nice little 981 come into the shop for some manly upgrades. The OE exhaust leaves a lot to be desired, so I ordered up a Fabspeed and got to work. Love the new look of the Boxster. Old exhaust ready to come off. Some neat changes on the 981 that most people don’t get to see. Fiber underbelly pans, and electronic parking brakes. And like magic, the old exhaust is off and I have the new one installed. …
Lambo Day at RennsportKC
Had a really nice low mileage Gallardo Spyder come in for some basic maintenance including oil change. The Lambo dry sump system is surprisingly similar to the Porsches, with a slightly harder to get to oil filter! It’s coming for you….. Getting ready to head upwards. The oil change on the Gallardo coupe is so much easier due to the clamshell not being in the way. With the coupe, you can work from the rear of the car, which makes …
Exxon Valdez pays a visit
I would rename this car the Devil Bitch if I could, lol. This poor car had a PO that just didn’t put any money into maintenance, which has made getting the engine oil tight a real pain in the rear. It is one then when you have a small oil leak and then repair it, but when you let it go and then other oil leaks start, it is nearly impossible to figure out where the oil is coming from. …
Awwww yea. Honda 2000!
Movie quote. If you don’t know what it is from then shame on you. The first part of a 6 movie series (and still going strong with #7 in the works) “It’s all right. I ain’t losing. This fool is running a Honda 2000. I’ll win, it’s all good. Then, me and my dad can roll together when he gets out of prison.” Had this little S2000 come in for some quick maintenance. CEL throwing a possible rear O2 sensor …
Porsche IMS Class Action Settlement
http://www.imsporschesettlement.com/ Looks like owners who have had IMS failures will be able to recoup at least a little bit of their losses on 2001-2005 Porsche 996 and Boxster engines. Original owners will benefit the best as will owners who purchased through CPO. While it is a reimbursement rate based off mileage, at least owners will get something back. Non-cpo or non original owners will only receive a 25% reimbursement for out of pocket expenses, but at least that is better …