The 928 That Wouldn’t Go Away…….

LOL, never ending project it seems like. Or maybe it is the little puppy that lost it’s way. The downside of working on the older cars is that the parts supply is much smaller and takes longer to get stuff as it is not regularly stocked. ……Tackled the vacuum lines in my spare time and pulled the last FPR off to prep that for replacement and new lines. I got most of the vacuum lines done that I could reach …
Donkey Continued……

Got a little further on the Donkey tonight. Got the front end torn down, waterpump replaced, spark plugs, wires, cap and rotor replaced. Unfortunately I ordered the wrong tensioner arm for the timing belt, so I will have to wait for that. We are also waiting for the fuel line kit to come in as well. When the 928 came out, it had the longest timing belt of any production vehicle. Not sure if it still holds the record, but …
996/Boxster Climate Control Display
One problem that is popping up in the 996/986 owners is the display unit on the climate controls going bad. Sometimes parts of the numbers do not illuminate/burn out, or you get a half moon or bleeding of the LCD screen. The solution use to be replace the control unit which ran about $350 plus install. There is now a cheaper solution of just replacing the LCD screen. This boxster had an issue with part of the numbers (temperature) not …
951 Timing Belt/Waterpump Service

Started tearing into a 951 today with no real good previous records of maintenance, so a round of timing belt/waterpump was due. The shop supervisor sets up shop. Oddly enough, management always is in the way when you are trying to get something done. The really cool part about this car……rare sunroof delete 🙂 The surgery. Waterpump replaced. This car will get all new rollers, pump, and belts. I can’t quite put my finger on the history of this car. …
964 Turn Signal Switch

Replaced a turn signal switch assembly today on a friend’s 964 today. The turn signals stop canceling after making a turn, so something internal had broken in the switch assembly. Luckily I got it done before the sun melted the surface of the earth today. Since the garage was full, I had to quickly use the rapidly disappearing shade, lol. Disconnect the battery….. Annnnnd jump ahead to the dash in pieces. Unfortunately the lower dash unit needs to come off …
It’s Hot

“It’s hot! Damn hot! Real hot! Hottest things is my shorts. I could cook things in it. A little crotch pot cooking.” Well, tell me what it feels like. “Fool, it’s hot! I told you again! Were you born on the sun? It’s damn hot! It’s so damn hot, I saw little guys, their orange robes burst into flames. It’s that hot! Do you know what I’m talking about?” Ok, now that I have that out of my system, I …
Who let the 928 in?

A buddy sent his wife’s 928 over from some maintenance. We are going to go through the front of the motor, the cooling system, and the fuel system. The car already has a beautiful paint job from Travis at TC Concepts in Topeka. We will get the mechanical stuff knocked out, then the interior. First thing to do was to pull the injectors so we could send them out to witchhunter for a cleaning. I immediately noticed all the electrical …
997TT Continued
997TT Continued

Got the motons installed and the wevo semi solid mounts in. Still need to fine tune the ride height and such, but the main install is done. Old mounts stuck waaaay down there. Wevos next to the OEM mount. You can get one side out without disassembling anything, but the other side isn’t coming out, so start pulling stuff out of the way. Going after the front suspension. Front coilover assembled. There are a couple of modifications and errors in …