Mazda 3 Engine Mount
Mazda 3 Engine Mount

Had the little Mazda back in the other day for an engine mount replacement. Pretty common failure on this car, the passenger mount falls apart and causes vibration at idle. The dealer quoted over $400 for this repair! The part was about 125 bucks, and a half hour of labor only! Not sure how you get $400 out of that. Didn’t even need a lift….or jackstands…..or a jack. There it is bolted to the frame. 4 bolts. The coolant tank …
951 SP3 work progresses

Last week we finally got some time to finish cutting and welding the roll bar in the 951. I didn’t get pictures, but we got it primed, painted, and most of the interior carpet back in.
Suburban Knock Sensor

Did a little work on this Suburban the other day. It came in with a knock sensor code and a lean bank 2 code. The motors are prone to having water get into the rear knock sensor cavity and kill the sensor. I figured this probably was causing the lean code as well (turns out that is something else, likely a small vacuum leak somewhere). The old 5.3L v8. Top cover removed. The intake needs to be lifted up enough …
964 Work Continued

Got the 964 cab back last week to install some more parts and try and figure out a running issue it is having. Up and ready to work. First thing to do was to ditch the stock cat and replace with a cat bypass pipe. Much better 😉 This will provide more power and better sound. Then we had to do something about that ugly tip, so I threw it in the bead blaster and hit it with some high …
997TT Oil Change and Tires

Had this low mileage 997TT come in the other day for an oil change and a new set of tires. The rear tires were pretty well shot by 10k miles, so it was time to get some new rubber on the rims! Pretty basic oil change, nothing to see here 😉
Eagles Canyon Rust Bucket Racing

This last weekend we loaded up Car 54 and headed to the Chump car race at Eagles Canyon in Texas. A 12 hour race on Saturday, and a 6 hour race on Sunday. The car ran flawlessly and everyone had a great time! Couldn’t beat the 65-70 degree weather either? We had plenty of peanut butter for after hours, ate some fantastic steaks (including some of the best homemade bread ever), and got to spend time with good friends. Our …
New Jersey PPI

Friday morning I loaded up the tools and got on a plane to head to New Jersey to do a PPI with a good friend (993C2S). Fly in Friday afternoon, do the PPI, fly back Saturday morning. I was flying out of KC, Mark was flying out of MN after business and we planned to meet up at Newark. We would arrive around 3pm, drive to the shop the current owner used, where they were going to let us rent …
Saab 9-5 Suspension Upgrades

Had this little Saab come in this week to go through the 100k+ mile suspension. No point in putting in stock Sachs shocks when you can upgrade to Bilsteins right 😉 Up and ready to go. First thing to do was to replace the front control arms/bushings/ball joints, so those were removed from the car. Yuck. Definitely an all season car. New bushing versus old bushing (front lower control arm) Rear lower control arm bushing. After that was done, we …
Escort 9500ci Install RS4

Installed a full Escort 9500ci radar/laser detector/shifter in this new RS4 this week. Ron had saved an old K40 out of his trade in, but thankfully only got half of the components of the the old unit removed, which meant it was easy for me to talk him into throwing that piece of junk away. K40 has a great dealer program….that’s why dealership’s sell them…..Enough said. Rear laser shifter mounted at the base of the rear plate. Normally I like …
Let’s Go Chumpin!

I think we are about wrapped up on the Chump car for it’s first race of the year. Lot more work than I thought I would have to put into it, but it all finally came together. Had the car up in the air for a day and had a little drip form under the car. Turns out the clutch slave cylinder was leaking. Really glad we caught this now! And new cylinder and line in place. Clutch should be …