911 Carrera Targa Shift Repair and Odometer Gear

Replaced some worn out shift bushings in this targa the other day. Over time the plastic bushings crack and fall apart, and your shifter location becomes very vague. Parts are cheap, but it is a time consuming job to replace the bushings. Disassembling the center console to get the shift lever out. Just to the right of the bolt head, you can see the bottom edge of the bushing has cracked. Once the shifter is out of the car, you …
Cayman Service

Had this nice Cayman come into the shop today for a quick round of spark plugs and filters. 80k miles on this car and it is wearing well. Pretty solid overall. Up in the air and ready to rock. First thing to do is to pull as many shields and wheels out of the way as possible. With a plethora of various extensions, wobbles, torx bits, etc, you can pull the coil packs out to get to the spark plugs. …
Porsche Cayenne Turbo S Brakes

Must be brake week here at the shop. Knocked out the front and rear brake pads on a turbo S today which had triggered a brake pad light. Pretty straight forward, but a lot easier with a few special tools. In position and ready to go up. God my floors really do look like crap. We have to remedy that. I know, everyone sees a Turbo S Cayenne, I see crappy floor finish. Just to give you an idea of …
Boxster S Convertible Top Failure

Had this poor little Boxster come in with a broken top. These cars are known for weak convertible top transmissions and cables, and this one decided to let go with the top up…..right in the middle of the nice weather we are having here in KC no less. There are a couple failure modes on these transmissions. Sometimes you get lucky and just the cables let go, other times the transmissions lock up and take the cables with them. This …
Toyota Celica Alternator Install

Yesterday Wes tackled a quick job by installing an alternator in this Celica. Another daily driver done. No problem is too big or small for RennsportKC 🙂
DE Prep 964 C4 Part II:

Finished up the C4 today by installing new CV axle boots on both rear axles. A quick rebuild of the joints and some fresh grease, and this puppy is ready for the DE this weekend. Hanging the axles, ready to come out. Outer nut takes over 350ft/lbs of torque. And the assembly on my makeshift cardboard bench. And new axle boots installed on the first axle. Repeat on the 2nd and we were done.
DE Prep 964 C4

This week we will tackle getting the Yokohama car ready for the upcoming HPDE. We have some leaking valve cover gaskets that we need to tackle, bleed the brakes, change out some torn axle boots, and it should be good for the weekend. Here you can see the oil has been dripping down onto the headers and burning off. Without the OEM heatshields/heat exchangers in place, we will likely have to do more valve cover gasket work annually as they …
Some more daily driver work

Yup, we dabble in Mercedes work as well 😉 This one came through for a quick oil change and inspection going into the winter months. Pretty straight forward with no surprises. Some fresh mobil 1 and filter, a top off of all the fluids, and we sent this one on it’s way.
356 Work

When we took over the new space, it seems an unfinished car came with the place which belongs to a local PCA member. We started looking around and scrounging up parts here and there that were laying around for it and decided to start putting it back together so he can have his car back! We put the front and rear windows in a few days ago using the string method, pretty standard really….. Wes setting the rear window into …
Shop Updates

Shop is coming along. We have been cleaning (a lot of cleaning), painting, and trying to knock some work out at the same time. Val has been busy painting walls and floors. We got half of the upstairs floor painted to cover up years of clutch dust, etc, LOL. Then she painted some unpainted walls….. And got some really dirty walls painted…… Meanwhile, my buddy Tim from Learntech Inc. has been by setting up our computers and interwebs. He got …