951 Radiator
951 Radiator

Dave dropped off his 951S to have me go through the cooling system. The car was starting to get fairly hot in stop and go traffic in our lovely 100 degree heat, so it was time to do some preventative maintenance on the front end. We decided it was best to replace the 25 year old radiator and any associated hoses to get the car cooling as optimally as possible. The car was hitting the top white line of the …
944 Work Continues

With the holiday schedule messing up parts delivery, I finally got the parts in today for the 944T that we have been addressing a coolant leak on. Installed the new cooler auxillary fan switch (75c) And got the top coolant nipple replaced. After warming it up and a quick test drive, I think we have the coolant issue fixed. Last night after my stranded event, I pulled apart the devil car and went after the fuel pump. Sure enough, the …
944T Part 6:

Well everything was going good, got the car back together, idled numerous times to burp the coolant and burn off any excess old oil and such off the headers. A nice leisurely test drive this morning around the block….2 blocks from home, round the corner….blap, it dies. This stuff can never happen to me when Val is home so I could tow it home easily, lol. Looks like the fuel pump took a poop. After a couple of hours of …
951 Coolant Leak

Had a mystery coolant leak in this 951 🙂 Typically when a you start finding coolant on the driver’s side or around the front of the car on a 944, there are a couple of quick (and likely) spots to check. The first one is the coolant port on the radiator for the small expansion tank hose. This is just a screw in fitting with a paper gasket. Over time the gasket will shrink, or the plastic will become brittle, …
944T Part 5:

Well, got the head back from the machine shop on Friday. Got everything prepped and ready to go, then went to clean the surface of the block for the new headgasket and made a startling discovery. If you remember, we had an issue with the waterpump where the coolant had eaten into the mounting surface of the pump (on the block). Well I started cleaning the block surface, and found the same issue on the number 1 cylinder, and it …
More Prepping For Road America

DE in 1 week! Our annual pilgrimage takes us to the Northstern Region’s HPDE at Road America. We have been doing this for many years, and wouldn’t miss it! We even talked a few people into heading up with us. This 996C4S needed a new set of brakes and a brake flush before heading north, but I knocked it out today and it is ready to roll. Front brakes coming apart. And some fresh pads 🙂 Repeat in the rear, …
Damn 928’s ;)

Somehow these things are still floating around. You know what they say about 928’s…..95% of them are still on the road today….the other 5% were actually able to be driven home. On the list was transmission lines. True to 928’s, if you have to replace something at the rear of the car, you inevitably need to disassemble something off the front of the car to make it possible, so I pulled the front brakes off…….ok, well there were pads and …
944T Part 4:

Took some time this weekend to get the head cleaned up and ready for the machine shop. My initial thought was to put in valve seals and slap it back on, but after seeing some very slight coolant erosion in the face, I decided it was best to have the head resurfaced to clean up anything that my cause an issue. Dropped it off this morning, so hopefully will have that back in a few days. Head off the car. …
Redneck Wrenching ;)

Well with the roofers blocking access to the garage, I needed to knock out a little 996 work. A simple oil change, resetting an airbag light, and finding a faulty brake pad sensor were on the list: Redneck oil change 🙂 And then it was on to find the bad sensor. Of course it couldn’t be obvious, and of course it couldn’t be the any of the first 3 wheels I tried. It had to be the last one. Turns …

Got the car buttoned up yesterday and thought we were going to be good to go. The problem with these really really low mile cars is that once you start driving them, stuff starts failing faster than you can fix it. On the initial warm up, I kept getting a puff of smoke off the passenger side of the engine. When it didn’t stop after a few minutes, I looked underneath and found the head gasket was leaking externally onto …