993C4S Farewell……
993C4S Farewell……

Well looks like a good freind of mine is shipping off his 993C4S to it’s new home. Sad to see a car leave the area, but on to bigger things. A few items ended up not in the deal, so while he is out of town, I will swap out a few things and get the car ready to ship out……hey wait a second….i see what is happening here…… Up on stands. Old wheels are coming off and the stock …
RSR rollbar install and harnesses

We tackled the rollbar yesterday in the RS. It was hot, damn hot, even in the garage. Got it knocked out by about 7 or so. Spent more money mid install when we decided the car needed a new exhaust……. There is nothing more fun than taking a brand new $150k car with 600 miles on it and disassembling it….. Massaging the carpet out of the side panels to modify the plastic housings under the carpet. Fitting the bar. Did …
996 C4S Brakes and V1 Install

Slapped new brake pads in for a buddy and helped him with his V1 hardwire install. There are a couple of ways to do the V1’s in the 996, I usually like to pull power from a plug in the center console. On a non-auto dimming mirror car, you can hide everything up in the sunroof control/light area, but with the dimming mirror, space is a little tighter. Brake pad replacement. Starting the V1 install. Running the wire up over …
Project 997TT For Sale SOLD

With the addition of the GT3RS, Jack has decided to sell his 997TT project to move forward with the GT3RS project. The build has been covered 100% on this blog over the last year. 2007 911 Twin Turbo Miles: 13,000 Price: 130k Location: Kansas City Contact: dockarl (at) wilen.us Car will include open car steel tilt trailer, 2 sets of wheels (CCW’s with hoosiers, and Champions with PS2’s), and the stock parts. The build: GMG adjustable sway bars front and …
New project car

Got a call last Friday from good friend to come up with him to test drive and take delivery of a new 2011 GT3RS from the local dealer. Spent some time with the car on the road, and it is absolutely amazing. Now time for some mods! We will get a GMG RSR Rollbar ordered asap along with a set of harnesses. Also will be doing a Laser Intercepter Quad install along with a Valentine 1. It doesn’t get any …
993 Rear Wheel Bearing

Brought in a buddy’s 993 tonight to fix a rear wheel bearing that was making some noise. Brake caliper and rotor off. Axle nut removed. Getting the axle out is the tricky part as the inboard end hits both the subframe and the transaxle….. Outer hub off, and the outer section of bearing in pieces. Hard to tell by the blurry picture, but the outer race is pretty chewed up. Old bearing completely removed. Pressing the new bearing in place. …
997TT Oil Change, Brake Flush…and…..

Mobile service calls again. Had to get the car ready for MAM this Friday. Started by changing the oil….. Unfortunately, when I got underneath the car, this is what I found. Dried coolant everywhere. The culprit. A loose hose clamp under the intake manifold. It was so loose, that either it was not tightened from the factory, or someone else had been in the motor in the first 3k miles of it’s life. The hose is stuck between two pipes, …
944 Electrical Issues

Yup….electrical issues. Joy. There is nothing cheap about paying someone to diagnose an electrical issue. I had a 944 come in today which the owner had just purchased. It is a nice 60k mile, 1 owner car, but it has sat for the last 5 years. The windows didn’t work, the blower motor didn’t work, the sunroof didn’t work, etc. Another shop had diagnosed it as a bad ignition switch. The problem, is that it is really rare for an …
Timesert or Helicoil?

So you have damaged the threads in something really important and you need to fix it. What do you do? Probably the number one answer you will get is to install a helicoil. A helicoil is a spring like insert which you install in the hole which provides for new threads that the bolt can catch when installed. In my honest opinion, the fix will last about as much as the helicoil costs….not long. Helicoils are notorious for pulling out …
The Doc Travels As Well

Recently I heard a rumor that a good friend of ours was too busy to fix his broken 951, so a group of buddies decided to pack up and show up on his door step to help him with his problem, lol. The only issue, is he holds South Dakota residency 🙂 Friday night myself an a couple of buddies loaded up and took off on the 4 hour trip to SD. Saturday morning we were ready to go 🙂 …