Exxon Valdez pays a visit
Exxon Valdez pays a visit

I would rename this car the Devil Bitch if I could, lol. This poor car had a PO that just didn’t put any money into maintenance, which has made getting the engine oil tight a real pain in the rear. It is one then when you have a small oil leak and then repair it, but when you let it go and then other oil leaks start, it is nearly impossible to figure out where the oil is coming from. …
Awwww yea. Honda 2000!

Movie quote. If you don’t know what it is from then shame on you. The first part of a 6 movie series (and still going strong with #7 in the works) “It’s all right. I ain’t losing. This fool is running a Honda 2000. I’ll win, it’s all good. Then, me and my dad can roll together when he gets out of prison.” Had this little S2000 come in for some quick maintenance. CEL throwing a possible rear O2 sensor …
Porsche IMS Class Action Settlement

http://www.imsporschesettlement.com/ Looks like owners who have had IMS failures will be able to recoup at least a little bit of their losses on 2001-2005 Porsche 996 and Boxster engines. Original owners will benefit the best as will owners who purchased through CPO. While it is a reimbursement rate based off mileage, at least owners will get something back. Non-cpo or non original owners will only receive a 25% reimbursement for out of pocket expenses, but at least that is better …
Porsche Boxster Rear End Wandering

Had this Boxster come into the shop on Friday to diagnose a random rear end wiggle when going down the road, similar to tramlining. The owner said it was bad enough it you would really feel it in the seat. With 165k+ miles on the car, diagnosing issues like this can be very expensive. There are so many things that can cause an issue like this on a high mileage car. Recent alignments did no good, and being on the …

Oh the on going 951 headache. I think this car has been here since January with nothing but defective upgrade parts. The custom crossover and header came back for I think the 3rd time now because of fitment issues, and it actually bolts up to the turbo and head now. The wastegate is a totally different issue as it is obvious the exhaust was mocked up without a bellhousing in place, but other than that, it is a really nice …
Don’t Let The Smoke Out

Picked up this nice little SC from the body shop a few weeks ago after the owner hit a deer with it. The body shop during their repair found a burnt wire at the fuse panel, so I was called in to fix it. Just a simple wire, should be an easy fix……lol. Well, this particular wire is common to burn up in the older 911’s. It runs the clock, the interior lights, hood light, and glovebox light…..and doesn’t have …

Get it? Hehe. Had this little C4 come in on the hook earlier this week after refusing to start. I think some hot chicks were hitting on the owner of the car (“Tee hee we like your car, it’s so cute!” or something similar was probably said, because after all, cool cars are “cute” to girls), then he got in the car in the parking lot and of course it wouldn’t start. Well that’s embarrassing. This stuff always happens when …
And Now For Something Totally Different

I will admit, the blog has been suffering lately. We changed the format awhile back to draw more hits from Google etc, and I kind of lost interest in posting the same repetitive jobs….blah. So ‘F’ Google and their search result algorithms, I’m putting on my tin foil hat and going back to having fun with my blog. I’ll probably make people laugh, make people cry, and possibly even get placed on a hit list or three. So i’ll start …
Porsche 964 Engine Replacement Continues

Got the replacement longblock for our 964 project and set about swapping/installing everything from the old motor. There is a lot of work that goes into this stage, but it is relaxing to work on. After that it was in the car and off and running 🙂 Bolting on tins, oil lines, and exhaust. One thing I make sure to do on builds like this is to use all new hardware. There is nothing worse than having something freshly rebuilt, …
Porsche Red 911T Project Progress

The bad thing about working on the 30-40 year old cars is that it takes forever to get parts. They are not typically readily available, thus have to be special ordered….ugh. While I was waiting for parts, I have been tinkering a little here and there to get the car looking a little better. The red paint job (from the original gold) was sprayed about as bad as can be, so the overspray is horrible. I took a little time …