Project GT3RS GMG Exhaust

Finally got around to installing the GMG headers and center muffler section on the GT3RS. Overall differences in weights were minimal. The OE headers/cats were sighly lighter than the GMG headers and the GMG center section was lighter than the OE center section slightly. The sound at idle is slightly louder, but very civil. The sound at 4500rpms when the valves open on the stock mufflers, is incredible! Getting started: We also have a set of quad laser intercepters to …
Maytag Man?

Lol, once in awhile I have to put the cars away and do some work around the house. There are certain things I am good at, and certain things I am not good at. Typically home type projects fall into the latter category, and I am usually too stubborn to call someone who knows what the hell they are doing. But I figured, hey a laundrenator can’t be that hard to fix! About 6 years ago, the switch that tells …
Squeaks is done

New exhaust manifold showed up and I was able to get everything installed and got it back on the road. No more leaks 🙂

GMG exhaust arrived today for the RS, so next week we should start the install on that. Also swapped over the traqmate into the RS from the 997TT. Went with a little more direct install route this time for simplicity of wiring. Basic setup is the same, though I mounted the camera to the rollbar this time to see how that works.
Squeaks Exhaust Leak Revisited…….

Took the time on wednesday to tear apart Squeaks to replace the broken exhaust manifold studs. Only had to cut off one bolt on the down pipe, so I was happy with that. Could have been a lot worse. The downside of working on a vehicle that has seen daily use for the last 11 years in Minnesota, South Dakota, and Kansas year round is dealing with the rust issues on all the fasteners. The exhaust manifold studs luckily came …
Shrek pays a visit……

Yup, the big Ogre. About as dirty as one too, but after all it is a Jeep 🙂 Had an issue with the front left caliper locking up. Decided it was best to put in new brake lines and new calipers. The brake lines cost more than the calipers, as did the core charge on the calipers, lol. Got to love cherokee parts. Ended up getting everything installed, flushed and bled the brakes, but are still getting an initial lockup …
GT3RS Project

Been so busy lately we haven’t had time to play with the RS at all. Tonight it ended up in the garage for some minor upgrades. We installed new Porsche pedals, Traqmate, and changed the oil. Next week hopefully the GMG exhaust will be here and we can installthe laser intercepters and hardwire the V1. GMG wheels are on it, and the black sticker package will be done soon. First was to change out the center consol lid to an …
Squeaks gets a new window regulator

Tried to accomplish a simple task of changing a brake light bulb the other day, and happened to roll the window down on the driver’s side……and then found out it didn’t want to go back up! Drats. After some diagnosis work with the volt meter, I confirmed it was indeed the window regulator. Ran to oreilly’s and picked up a new regulator and got it changed out. Got to love Jeeps, meant to be fixed in the field. Even the …
Boxster S 90k Service
Had a freind bring by his 2001 Boxster S for it’s 90k service. We replaced a couple of blown parking lights, fuel filter, air filter, oil change, pollen filter, and the drive belt. Back of the litronic headlight setup. Small bulb for the parking light. Had to get into an argument with the autozone jackasses because they kept trying to sell me the parking lights for the non litronic setup (different). Even gave them the part number and showed them …
Another Oil Air Seperator

Had a freind bring by his boxster that had started smoking on him excessively out the tailpipe. Worse on startup, but would happen when driving as well. This is pretty typical of a bad oil air seperator. When the car got here, it was idling extremely roughly and had a CEL. This was odd, and you start to think the worst. Read down the CEL and came up with the following laundry list! P1128: O2 sensing adaption (bank 1) P1130: …
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