964 Alternator
Still trying to chase down a slow drain in this 964. Stereo shop said alternator wasn’t putting out (insert joke here) enough voltage, which I disagreed with, but we decided to replace the alternator anyway…….now we get to chase a constant awd light on the dash. Great. Making a big mess. Pushing out the old fan bearing and spacer sleeve.
964 C4 No Start

Customer down the street came by today with a dead 964 that he had just bought. It came in to town on the flatbed, and after sitting for a couple weeks wouldn’t start. After getting the car fired up, and checking the charging voltage which was determined to be in spec, a quick battery replacement, and we were back in business.
DE Prep 964 C4 Part II:

Finished up the C4 today by installing new CV axle boots on both rear axles. A quick rebuild of the joints and some fresh grease, and this puppy is ready for the DE this weekend. Hanging the axles, ready to come out. Outer nut takes over 350ft/lbs of torque. And the assembly on my makeshift cardboard bench. And new axle boots installed on the first axle. Repeat on the 2nd and we were done.
DE Prep 964 C4

This week we will tackle getting the Yokohama car ready for the upcoming HPDE. We have some leaking valve cover gaskets that we need to tackle, bleed the brakes, change out some torn axle boots, and it should be good for the weekend. Here you can see the oil has been dripping down onto the headers and burning off. Without the OEM heatshields/heat exchangers in place, we will likely have to do more valve cover gasket work annually as they …
964 Finished

After buttoning up the 964 yesterday, a brief check of the running systems found an alternator that was charging at 19 volts, which is not good. Normal charge is somewhere around 13v, and over charging can lead to electrical problems in the car. The voltage regulator on the back of the alternator is what regulates the charging voltage, so that is what was needed. Unfortunately, on the back of the alternator, means a lot of stuff has to come apart, …
964 Distributor Rebuild

Parts came in while I was out of town for our 964 project which had the internal distributor belt fail. I got cracking early as I knew it would be a long day. First thing to do was the replace the hood and hatch struts so they would stay open. The back of my head is always thankful for new hatch struts. mmmmm, fresh struts. After sneaking into the back of the engine bay, both sides get replaced. Then it …
964/993 Distributor Belts

Picked this car up from a customer to inspect and get into top running shape. As soon as I loaded the car in 3rd gear, I could hear and feel the detonation happening in the engine, so I was pretty sure I knew what that was going to be. First thing to do when I got home was to check out the airbag light. Looks like a crash sensor was throwing an error, so I cleared the code and it …
Pre Purchase Inspection

I am always preaching to people that you do not purchase a used car without having a qualified shop perform a pre purchase inspection to check for potential issues a new owner might be faced with. I helped out an old freind in Colorado who had found this car for a client. The intended purpose would be a Driver’s Education car. A nice little example of a 964, with about 140k miles on it. Standard engine bay with a K&N …
964 Turn Signal Switch

Replaced a turn signal switch assembly today on a friend’s 964 today. The turn signals stop canceling after making a turn, so something internal had broken in the switch assembly. Luckily I got it done before the sun melted the surface of the earth today. Since the garage was full, I had to quickly use the rapidly disappearing shade, lol. Disconnect the battery….. Annnnnd jump ahead to the dash in pieces. Unfortunately the lower dash unit needs to come off …