It Is Time: 997C4S Supercharger Part I:

Time to get rolling on this little project of ours. The patient: 997C4S Tiptronic. The Kit: VF Engineering Supercharger kit. I’ve got a lot of these installs running around on 996/997’s, they are excellent, well thought out kits. New hp levels should run about 475. The newly redesigned kit incorporates a self contained oiling system on the supercharger. No more pulling hot oil from the engine to lubricate the charger. Got it in and we noticed an issue right away……our …
997 Seat Continued

Finished up the 997 seat frame/motor swap tonight and should have it installed tomorrow. Lots of screws and wires 🙂 Seat back installed and side covers with switches back on. Then lots of wiring running under the seat and installing the various pumps/modules. Almost done. Last thing to do is to install a lower bracket under the seat that holds the front control module. The problem is, the screws insert into the front of the rail, and the seat is …
997 C4S Seat Issue

Went over to help a friend with a seat problem that they were having in their new to them 997C4S. The seat all of a sudden would not slide forward on the right slider. The left moved forward and back, but the right was stuck, causing the seat to twist. Not good since the seat was all the way forward when it failed. Looks to be a broken cable on the motor that drives the right side, so we will …

😀 Now we will just drop the car ontop of everything, and it should work right? We will let the hoses hang for a few weeks to uncurl 🙂 Stay tuned.
997/Cayman Mirror Repair

This procedure is the same whether you are updating to carbon fiber mirrors, or say if you backed out of the garage and caught the mirror on the edge of the garage door and bent it in a direction it wasn’t meant to bend 😉 I ran out to Fairway to check out the mirror off a Cayman today. Figured I knew what was wrong, but wanted to confirm in person. Figured it out pretty quickly after removing the mirror …
997 C4S Muffler Modifications
We finally got some semi warm weather (almost hit 40 today!), so I took the opportunity after lunch to run out and pull some mufflers for a buddy that we are going to modify 🙂 The OEM (Non-PSE) mufflers are just too mild, so we are going to have to fix that. Got the unit open after chopping the door pull free from the ice. Up in the air and ready to pull the mufflers. Passenger side can stuck up …
997TT running

This afternoon I got the car reassembled and fired up. Need to heat cycle the turbos a few times. Tooled it around the block to make sure everything was operating as it should. Unfortunately, a front moved in and the temps dropped with the snow rolling in, so it will give me some time to button up the interior. Still need to knock out the clutch and do the alignment which I am hoping to get done next week if …

Call came in this morning of a friend in dire need of a rear brake pad change. We met up over lunch, and got the rear pads knocked out quickly so he could get back on his way. The PCCB’s on the 997GT3RS now require you to remove the entire caliper to replace the pads. A little more work than just popping a pin out and swapping pads, but still a pretty quick job.