Cayman Service

Had this nice Cayman come into the shop today for a quick round of spark plugs and filters. 80k miles on this car and it is wearing well. Pretty solid overall. Up in the air and ready to rock. First thing to do is to pull as many shields and wheels out of the way as possible. With a plethora of various extensions, wobbles, torx bits, etc, you can pull the coil packs out to get to the spark plugs. …
2004 Cayenne 60k service

Knocked out a 60k service on a Cayenne today. Pretty straight forward: Oil change, serpentine belt, air filters, spark plugs, cabin filter, bleed brakes, etc. Also had to release a jammed storage tray and replace the rear cigarette lighter flip down lid that was broken. First, I had to make sure the lift could handle a Cayenne, so I did a weight test. If it can handle Tia, it can handle a Cayenne: Looks like my test was foolproof…. The …