964 C4 No Start

Customer down the street came by today with a dead 964 that he had just bought. It came in to town on the flatbed, and after sitting for a couple weeks wouldn’t start. After getting the car fired up, and checking the charging voltage which was determined to be in spec, a quick battery replacement, and we were back in business.
Sunday Call

The doctor never sleeps. Sunday I got a call from a new patient that was stranded in the garage with a dead battery. The Cayman had sat for about a month this winter, and was dead dead. My assumption that it was probably an original Moll battery which are pretty horrible. Put the battery charger on it quick to see what the condition of the battery was, and sure enough, the needle started bouncing around 0% charge. Usually when the …
Battery Time

Started getting some slow cranking in the mornings from Mini Moo my 2500HD, so it was time for a new battery. Battery was the original Delco battery, which was over 8 years old, so it was time for replacement. Typically batteries will last 7-9 years if you are driving your car daily. Batteries do not like to sit idle, which is usually the cause of death. If you are driving your car 1-2 times a week, expect maximum battery life …