Project 964 C4
Now that we have ironed out all the previous owner issues with the silver fox, it is time to start modifying this puppy 🙂 First things up are a lot better exhaust note along with some additional horsepower. First things first. Getting a decent throaty exhaust like a sports car should have. A Catbypass pipe and secondary muffler bypass….ohhh yea. Pulling the old exhaust tip off, it is pretty rusty and ugly. Since we have to reuse this, off to …
964 Cab Continued
Slowly plodding along with our 964 project as we have time. We are waiting on one of the gauges to come back from NHS. The face was de-laminating over the warning lights, so we sent it out to be replaced. A little ridiculous that they wouldn’t sell us a new face, as the install is no different that replacing the odometer gears (different gauge). Oh well. So….we are putting on a cup bypass pipe, so I dropped the secondary muffler …
EVT750 Comes In For Some Mods :)

Glad to have the EVT750 car back in my grasps 🙂 Angel came by today so we could pull the Fabspeed mufflers off to listen how the car would sound with straight pipes…..and we liked it. We will get the muffler bypass pipes ordered and slapped on this puppy 😀 With the Fabspeed (we are also an authorized dealer/installer), the system is modular, so you can swap sections out to fit your needs. Ohhhh yeah. Up on the lift ready …

Have you noticed your Porsche just isn’t up to the task any more? Are you ready to take it for a spin on a curvy road, but yet it just isn’t ever in the mood? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone, and we can help. This is a problem that faces many middle aged Porsches out there today, but most of them are just too ashamed to talk about it. Talking with your Porsche about ED may not be easy, but …
Clifford Comes For A Visit

Clifford’s new owner came by to have an exhaust leak fixed that has been nagging the car for awhile now. It was obvious there was leakage around 3 of the exhaust ports, but we weren’t really sure why. The previous owner had done a recent head gasket, so I suspected a possible stud issue. He brought me new headers to install along with a new set of gaskets. The oem headers after 25 years are prone to cracking and leaking. …
986 Boxster Smoking Issue

Helped a freind out with an emergency on Friday afternoon. Turns out his boxster started smoking excessively out the tailpipe. On most cars you would fear the worst that maybe a headgasket was blown, but the M96 engines use an oil air seperator that can go bad and allow oil vapor back into the intake stream, where it is burned off in the cylinders and causes the smoke. Pearing up over the passenger axle, you can see the OAS attached …
951 Rear End Noise and Upgrades
Had a freind drop off his 951 that was making some noise from the rear end. Quickly diagnosed the patient as….you guessed it, a bad CV joint. I quickly had horrible flashback’s of the 993 axles, but at least these wouldn’t be nearly as hard to get out….still messy, but not hard, lol. Driver’s side axle out. While the boots were in good shape on this axle, the grease had dried up over the years and caused the joint to …
Project GT3RS GMG Exhaust

Finally got around to installing the GMG headers and center muffler section on the GT3RS. Overall differences in weights were minimal. The OE headers/cats were sighly lighter than the GMG headers and the GMG center section was lighter than the OE center section slightly. The sound at idle is slightly louder, but very civil. The sound at 4500rpms when the valves open on the stock mufflers, is incredible! Getting started: We also have a set of quad laser intercepters to …

GMG exhaust arrived today for the RS, so next week we should start the install on that. Also swapped over the traqmate into the RS from the 997TT. Went with a little more direct install route this time for simplicity of wiring. Basic setup is the same, though I mounted the camera to the rollbar this time to see how that works.
Squeaks Exhaust Leak Revisited…….

Took the time on wednesday to tear apart Squeaks to replace the broken exhaust manifold studs. Only had to cut off one bolt on the down pipe, so I was happy with that. Could have been a lot worse. The downside of working on a vehicle that has seen daily use for the last 11 years in Minnesota, South Dakota, and Kansas year round is dealing with the rust issues on all the fasteners. The exhaust manifold studs luckily came …