Squeaks Defrost Only Problem

Of course this kind of stuff never happens when it is moderately cool out, but rather when the temps are constantly over 100 degrees. Squeaks, our 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ, decided to only blow air out the defrost vents earlier this week. Controls would not do anything. While the AC was still blowing, when it is 105 out, not having that airflow across your body makes it seem a lot hotter in the vehicle. There are a couple of …
Squeaks gets a cooling system refresh…..

Damn Jeeps, lol. My last bit of winter maintenance was to flush the cooling system and get fresh fluid installed. I was still debating whether I should go in and replace the 140k mile waterpump, but hadn’t made up my mind. When we got back from South Dakota, I noticed a drip under the jeep. Crap. Decided to do the entire cooling system with the exception of the radiator as that has to come out the front of the car. …
Winter Prep for Squeaks

After I finished up a Boxster on Saturday, I figured it was such a nice day that I would knock out some more maintenance on Squeaks to get it ready for the winter months. It was time for new spark plugs (every 30k in a jeep), brake flush, tire rotation, etc. I still need to flush the coolant badly, and get the front diff serviced (didn’t have enough fluid to do yesterday) which I should be able to do later …
Squeaks is done

New exhaust manifold showed up and I was able to get everything installed and got it back on the road. No more leaks 🙂
Squeaks gets a new window regulator

Tried to accomplish a simple task of changing a brake light bulb the other day, and happened to roll the window down on the driver’s side……and then found out it didn’t want to go back up! Drats. After some diagnosis work with the volt meter, I confirmed it was indeed the window regulator. Ran to oreilly’s and picked up a new regulator and got it changed out. Got to love Jeeps, meant to be fixed in the field. Even the …