GT3RS Laser Interceptor Install

Well since I am in the radar/laser shifter installing mode, I figured I would borrow the GT3RS and get that done as well. I had previously installed the rear shifter when I had the bumper off to do the exhaust, but hadn’t had time to get the rest of it done. Shifter kit minus the rear shifter. I will integrate the V1 detector into the L1 for voice alerts rather than the beep. Front bumper off so I can install …
GT3RS Project

Been so busy lately we haven’t had time to play with the RS at all. Tonight it ended up in the garage for some minor upgrades. We installed new Porsche pedals, Traqmate, and changed the oil. Next week hopefully the GMG exhaust will be here and we can installthe laser intercepters and hardwire the V1. GMG wheels are on it, and the black sticker package will be done soon. First was to change out the center consol lid to an …
New project car

Got a call last Friday from good friend to come up with him to test drive and take delivery of a new 2011 GT3RS from the local dealer. Spent some time with the car on the road, and it is absolutely amazing. Now time for some mods! We will get a GMG RSR Rollbar ordered asap along with a set of harnesses. Also will be doing a Laser Intercepter Quad install along with a Valentine 1. It doesn’t get any …