GT3RS Interceptors finished.
Finished up the Laser Interceptor install today. Some comparison notes to the Escort 9500ci: 1. Obviously it is for laser shifting only, there is no radar detection like the 9500ci 2. I would call the technology similar to that of my 1980 Apple IIE that I had growing up. The voice prompts are absolutely hillarious. Seriously, I remember when it first came out that you could type a sentance into a computer and it would speak the words back to …
GT3RS Brake Pads

After a lot of laps, it is time for new brake pads for the project RS. After talking extensively with Fabryce at GMG, he recommended brake pads by a company called Endless (or at least that is what the pads are called). We had been running the Pagids, and he recommended these over them and the PFC’s for stopping power and still being easy on the rotors. Rear caliper off to change the pads. On the new gt3’s, you have …
Project GT3RS GMG Exhaust

Finally got around to installing the GMG headers and center muffler section on the GT3RS. Overall differences in weights were minimal. The OE headers/cats were sighly lighter than the GMG headers and the GMG center section was lighter than the OE center section slightly. The sound at idle is slightly louder, but very civil. The sound at 4500rpms when the valves open on the stock mufflers, is incredible! Getting started: We also have a set of quad laser intercepters to …

GMG exhaust arrived today for the RS, so next week we should start the install on that. Also swapped over the traqmate into the RS from the 997TT. Went with a little more direct install route this time for simplicity of wiring. Basic setup is the same, though I mounted the camera to the rollbar this time to see how that works.
GT3RS Project

Been so busy lately we haven’t had time to play with the RS at all. Tonight it ended up in the garage for some minor upgrades. We installed new Porsche pedals, Traqmate, and changed the oil. Next week hopefully the GMG exhaust will be here and we can installthe laser intercepters and hardwire the V1. GMG wheels are on it, and the black sticker package will be done soon. First was to change out the center consol lid to an …
New project car

Got a call last Friday from good friend to come up with him to test drive and take delivery of a new 2011 GT3RS from the local dealer. Spent some time with the car on the road, and it is absolutely amazing. Now time for some mods! We will get a GMG RSR Rollbar ordered asap along with a set of harnesses. Also will be doing a Laser Intercepter Quad install along with a Valentine 1. It doesn’t get any …

Call came in this morning of a friend in dire need of a rear brake pad change. We met up over lunch, and got the rear pads knocked out quickly so he could get back on his way. The PCCB’s on the 997GT3RS now require you to remove the entire caliper to replace the pads. A little more work than just popping a pin out and swapping pads, but still a pretty quick job.