993 C2S PSS9 Install
The car we brought back from the NJ PPI 🙂 We knew it would need a new suspension, so Mark found a set of PSS9’s for it and I went about the install this last week. While I was in there, it got the remaining 6 upper spark plugs and new hood and hatch struts. Courtesy of Rennlist. Front end coming apart. And bilstein installed 😉 Rears are a little more involved, but doable. We have a little drop link …
Motor Stuffed……

After the new FPR showed up, I started shoving the motor back in the car. Last night about 11pm the car showed up on the flatbed, and we got it pushed onto the lift and ready to go for today. Since I need to install the stock exhaust back on, and the table is only so big, I pulled the rear bumper for better access. With a larger table, you can shove it all in complete with exhaust without pulling …
996 C4S Brakes and V1 Install

Slapped new brake pads in for a buddy and helped him with his V1 hardwire install. There are a couple of ways to do the V1’s in the 996, I usually like to pull power from a plug in the center console. On a non-auto dimming mirror car, you can hide everything up in the sunroof control/light area, but with the dimming mirror, space is a little tighter. Brake pad replacement. Starting the V1 install. Running the wire up over …