Mazda 3 Engine Mount

Had the little Mazda back in the other day for an engine mount replacement. Pretty common failure on this car, the passenger mount falls apart and causes vibration at idle. The dealer quoted over $400 for this repair! The part was about 125 bucks, and a half hour of labor only! Not sure how you get $400 out of that. Didn’t even need a lift….or jackstands…..or a jack. There it is bolted to the frame. 4 bolts. The coolant tank …
Mazda 3…..is back ;)

Since seem to have been having a couple weeks of hell lately, I decided to shut things down early Friday afternoon and head for home to relax a little. Oh how things change 🙂 Got home and hung the microwave in the kitchen (we installed a new backsplash), sanded some drywall, mudded some drywall, then got a call about a CEL in the gray Mazda 3. No big deal, drop it off at the house. Pulled down the codes and …