911 SC Fuel Pressure Diagnosis
We are having a very brief cold start problem in this 911SC. After the car sits for about 8 hours, it struggles to start for a few seconds. Once it has started once, it will start immediately for the next 6-7 hours like everything is normal. Once it sits overnight, it struggles again. This makes diagnosing the issue very difficult, as you can’t tweak something, check it, tweak something else, check it. Instead you get one shot, then have to …
911 SC

Just finished up a little of this and a little of that on a 911 patient. We replaced the oil sump plate gaskets and installed a new turn signal/dimmer switch which was malfunctioning and flashing the brights when using the turn signals. Common issue. The patient. We have a few transaxle leaks from the nose seal and such, but decided to skip this for now since it hasn’t been leaving much on the ground. But we did want to tackle …