Another Sunday: Odds and Ends

While most people were home watching the Chiefs get demolished, we were at the shop trying to catch up on some stuff. Wes finished polishing another set of headlights on a 996TT (which we also installed a short shifter in). Val painted the upstairs office/entry: While they were doing that, I decided to try and seal up some leaks on the building that we have when it rains. Part of the issue is the gutters are so clogged with junk …
Shop Updates

Shop is coming along. We have been cleaning (a lot of cleaning), painting, and trying to knock some work out at the same time. Val has been busy painting walls and floors. We got half of the upstairs floor painted to cover up years of clutch dust, etc, LOL. Then she painted some unpainted walls….. And got some really dirty walls painted…… Meanwhile, my buddy Tim from Learntech Inc. has been by setting up our computers and interwebs. He got …