Had this little gem come into the shop last week for a new tranny and a lightweight flywheel conversion. She has lived a hard life, and so getting things apart was a bit of a chore, in fact almost everything fought me from the lug bolts to the transaxle bolts, but we got it done. New tranny ready to go in. Cracked engine mount: Ouch. Old disgusting transaxle out and ready for the new clutch and flywheel Ooooh boy. Going …
Boxster S Convertible Top Failure

Had this poor little Boxster come in with a broken top. These cars are known for weak convertible top transmissions and cables, and this one decided to let go with the top up…..right in the middle of the nice weather we are having here in KC no less. There are a couple failure modes on these transmissions. Sometimes you get lucky and just the cables let go, other times the transmissions lock up and take the cables with them. This …
Finished RMS and Diff Bearings.

Finished up the RMS and Diff bearings a few nights ago. Still need to knock out a wheel bearing on the right side and it should be ready to go. I think the output shaft having play caused additional stress on the cv axle and bearing on that side as well due to the slight wobble the shaft must have had. New bearings installed, diff in place, and gearbox assembled. Outer diff cover installed. Selector shaft installed. Ahhh much better, …