Audi 1.8T Transmission Flush

Guess who stopped by tonight 🙂 Stephen rolled in with his Audi that is having some transmission hesitation. We decided it might not be a bad idea to get fresh fluid in and a new filter to see if that helps before going in deeper. Since I have the pumps and such to get the fluid in, it makes it easier to just do it here at the shop rather than on jack stands. Pan off and filter being removed. …
Damn 928’s ;)

Somehow these things are still floating around. You know what they say about 928’s…..95% of them are still on the road today….the other 5% were actually able to be driven home. On the list was transmission lines. True to 928’s, if you have to replace something at the rear of the car, you inevitably need to disassemble something off the front of the car to make it possible, so I pulled the front brakes off…….ok, well there were pads and …