Audi 1.8T Transmission Flush
Guess who stopped by tonight 🙂 Stephen rolled in with his Audi that is having some transmission hesitation. We decided it might not be a bad idea to get fresh fluid in and a new filter to see if that helps before going in deeper. Since I have the pumps and such to get the fluid in, it makes it easier to just do it here at the shop rather than on jack stands.
Pan off and filter being removed.
He just wanted to pose for the picture.
Filling a German auto trans is a little tricky in regards to filter and fluids. The fluid level needs to be checked at a specific temp. Ross Tech allows use to read down the temp through the ECU without having to use a pyrometer. After getting the levels set at the proper temp, we were on the road again!
AudiFluidFlushtransmission filter